Perfect Body =>
The truth is that if you want the perfect body, then you need to change aspects of your life. The truth is that there are three key points to getting the perfect body: 1. Your nutrition 2. Your exercise 3. Your mindset If you master all 3 those dreams of the perfect body will become a reality. I noticed something interesting at the gym the other day.... Interestingly I noticed that the cardio area was packed and did not have one single treadmill in use. On the other hand, the free weight area was practically empty other than just a couple people. What I also noticed was that the people training in the free weight area were in great shape, while at the same time, I did not see one person on the cardio machines that was in good shape. There is a reason the free weight trainers were in better shape than the cardio addicts... High intensity free-weight and bodyweight resistance training is effective at fat loss and long lasting body composition changes, whereas long duration cardio exercis...