12 Big Fat Lies
If you've ever walked into a health food store and asked for information
about supplements...
If you’ve ever read any one of the many popular bodybuilding or fitness
If you've ever bought the latest best-selling diet book...
If you’ve ever watched late night TV and listened to a diet or fitness guru
preach about an amazing new diet, exercise machine or supplement...
If you’ve ever surfed the web for information about diet, nutrition or
If you’ve ever done ANY of these things, then chances are...
Are you shocked? Surprised? Outraged? If so, then join the club - you're
not alone. Honest information about nutrition and fat loss is harder to come
by than ever before, and nearly everyone has been misled at one time or
another. I know I have.
There are three reasons why it's so hard to find truthful information today:
1) Money (Greed). Weight loss is a 30 billion-dollar a year industry. With
this kind of money at stake, unscrupulous marketers will tell you anything
- even outright lies - to get you to buy their products and to further their
financial interests.
2) Information overload. Now that we're in the information age, lack of
information is not a problem anymore. The problem these days is too
much information. Fitness and diet "guru's" preach about their "latest
breakthroughs" on TV infomercials 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hundreds, even thousands of diet and exercise books fill bookstore
shelves. Dozens of magazines clutter the newsstands every month. And
to top it all off, the explosion of the Internet is adding to this "info-
quagmire" at an exponential rate. There are 16,400,000 web sites listed
on Google under “fitness” and 3,400,000 under “weight loss.”
3) Conflicting advice. Even industry professionals such as registered
dieticians, research scientists, MD's, PhD’s, and certified trainers, give a
tremendous amount of contradictory advice. There are a lot of opinions
out there and everyone seems to tell us something different.
This has left a lot of people frustrated, disillusioned, and thoroughly
confused. It's hard to know whom or what to believe anymore.
I want to do something about that. I want to do something that almost no
one else has the guts to do: That is, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth. And you’ll find it right here in this e-book.
So, without further ado, here they are: The 12 biggest fat loss lies -
about supplements...
If you’ve ever read any one of the many popular bodybuilding or fitness
If you've ever bought the latest best-selling diet book...
If you’ve ever watched late night TV and listened to a diet or fitness guru
preach about an amazing new diet, exercise machine or supplement...
If you’ve ever surfed the web for information about diet, nutrition or
If you’ve ever done ANY of these things, then chances are...
Are you shocked? Surprised? Outraged? If so, then join the club - you're
not alone. Honest information about nutrition and fat loss is harder to come
by than ever before, and nearly everyone has been misled at one time or
another. I know I have.
There are three reasons why it's so hard to find truthful information today:
1) Money (Greed). Weight loss is a 30 billion-dollar a year industry. With
this kind of money at stake, unscrupulous marketers will tell you anything
- even outright lies - to get you to buy their products and to further their
financial interests.
2) Information overload. Now that we're in the information age, lack of
information is not a problem anymore. The problem these days is too
much information. Fitness and diet "guru's" preach about their "latest
breakthroughs" on TV infomercials 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hundreds, even thousands of diet and exercise books fill bookstore
shelves. Dozens of magazines clutter the newsstands every month. And
to top it all off, the explosion of the Internet is adding to this "info-
quagmire" at an exponential rate. There are 16,400,000 web sites listed
on Google under “fitness” and 3,400,000 under “weight loss.”
3) Conflicting advice. Even industry professionals such as registered
dieticians, research scientists, MD's, PhD’s, and certified trainers, give a
tremendous amount of contradictory advice. There are a lot of opinions
out there and everyone seems to tell us something different.
This has left a lot of people frustrated, disillusioned, and thoroughly
confused. It's hard to know whom or what to believe anymore.
I want to do something about that. I want to do something that almost no
one else has the guts to do: That is, to tell the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth. And you’ll find it right here in this e-book.
So, without further ado, here they are: The 12 biggest fat loss lies -