
Dear Loved Ones,

Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out. It is a pleasure to serve you in this way.
A Marvelous and Calm day to you all. I love you. I love you. I love you.


Taking a few moments in the Now to recognize the presence of the omni-available presence of God and all that is. We are truly fortunate to have the Universe co-creating with us.

How are you feeling this morning, afternoon or evening? Are you well? Are you energized? Are you clear? Are you living in faith with faith? Are you certain about anything in your life? Is it

possible to be certain? Are you helpful to yourself and to your surroundings? Have you forgiven yet?
Are you still holding on?
Did you have a nice party in the past week?
Was the experience all that you desired it to be? Did you feel alone?
Are you feeling alone Now? Do you attach to people easily?
Are you accepting of people, generally?
Are you a sensitive person? What is a sensitive person anyways?
Are you controlling?
And who is a controlling person anyways?
Why did you choose to be born in this life time?
And why did you choose your life with the family you are with Now?
Do you want to know?
Do you care?
Are you still with me?
Too many questions?
Is this a test?

It can be a test if you want to know more about yourself and set yourself free! And this test is called "life" and you can win this test if you really want to!!

Remember we are creators, and we have the honor to co-create with our Higher Spiritual Presence which has many names such as God, Universe, Allness, Oneness, Beauty, Life, Energy,

Light, Spirit, Higher Power, Source, Creator, Divine and etc.
Are we alone? Never.

Do we fail to remember and acknowledge the Oneness? Yes!
Can you imagine what we would and can accomplish when we stay connected to our True Self and all that created us?
Can you?

Can you possibly see the manifestation in your mind’s eye Right Now? The Universe is always on our side.

How about choosing one area of your life today and move full force co-creating with the Universe with patience and trust, and allow the presence of the eternal and infinite light to reveal itself to you today.

Maybe somewhere inside you there is a voice that says, "You’ve done this before and it didn't work". Or the voice is saying “This is too hard” or “It sounds too easy.” As well the voice may be saying, "I am so tired of trying, forget it I give up.”
At this time please thank your voice for its message and allow the voice of the Truth to speak to you.

The truth shall set you free.
Go for it for you are truly a magnificent emanation of the eternal Wisdom, Love and Power of God.
Go ahead and use your God given qualities and attributes with God to create the life you desire.
One step at a time all things are possible. You will be able to see things much more clearly as you move forward with the Divine. Your life will shine inside and out.

"With Patience and Trust All Things Are Possible"
Miracles take place within and without. You are the Miracle of Life and you are gorgeous inside and out. Live with your beauty and manifest beauty in all of your creation.

Bless you and so it is.
I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.

Please feel free to forward and share these Insights with your family, friends, teachers, students, associates and enemies to Create Divine relationships and to Create Oneness.

May the love and light of God and the whole Universe surround, protect and heal you, your loved ones and the planet earth.


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