To begin experiencing The Secret Law of Attraction, you must start at the very simple formula of TACT.

T - Thank you
A - Attracting
C - Creating
T - Thank you

Begin your day with "Thank You".
This is the very basic and simple formula that everybody can do, yet this is the most powerful and important step that you must understand and DO.

You always have a choice when you wake up every morning. Be wise to select your choice.
You can choose to feel inferior and look other people are always better and above you in any case.

Or you can choose to feel superior that you are unique and you are special. You can achieve what you want in life, because you take 100% responsibility for your life.

Let me tell you one thing: "Whoever you are, whatever you are. You can always start by being grateful that you have a new day today. A new day means a new opportunity for you to be closer to your dream."

There are unlimited things that you can be grateful each and everyday.
If you find it is hard for you, here is a few idea you can use:

1. You are grateful for the air that you breathe today

2. You are grateful for somebody close to you

3. You are grateful for your parent and family

4.You are grateful for a meal

5. You are grateful for the cloth that you are wearing now

6. You are grateful that you can still be grateful

7. You are grateful ...
When you get use to it and when it has become your daily habit, it will flow automatically like a water, because there are so much things that you can be grateful everyday.

When your day starts with "Thank You" as a daily habit, you will feel good from the very beginning of the day.

Feeling good is one of the most critical element in The Secret Law of Attraction. Your feeling, whether it is good or bad, will emit energy to the universe.

Make sure it is the good feeling, in order to attract good things to your life. Remember The Secret Law of Attraction is always exist, in the past, the present, and the future.

Can you imagine that Universe will always listen to you? Universe will always say "Your Wish is my Command".

This explain why you will always want to focus on things that you feel good everyday, instead of focusing on things that make you sad or feel bad or you do not want.

Always be grateful, even for the most difficult things to find gratitude in. There is always a light in every darkness. A glowing flower in every field. A positive soul in every group. There is always a shred of beauty in anything ugly, if we choose to look for it and see it. Gratitude is

absolutely the best way to attract the life of your dreams.
Whatever you focus, you will get it whether you believe it or not. It happened all the time, no exception.

Let's be Grateful NOW. You can be happy Now!
Everyday...Again...Again...and Again...


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